Register Your Interest

FIIG Monthly Income Fund


An efficient income solution through a diversified bond portfolio with limited interest rate risk available to retail and wholesale investors. 

Register your interest to access the Fund Fact Sheet and receive updates on the Fund. 

Achieve an efficient income solution through a diversified bond portfolio with limited interest rate risk.

  • Targeting a return of 2% p.a. (after fees) above the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index, which equates to 6.33% p.a.* as at 14 August 2024. 
  • A source of regular and consistent income provided through monthly distributions
  • A diversified portfolio of Australian and Global floating and fixed-coupon corporate credit and Asset-Backed Securities with a wide investment universe 
  • Australian dollar denominated
  • Daily liquidity 
  • A competitive management fee of 0.50% p.a. 
  • Buy spread of 0.05% and Sell spread of 0.10%
  • Minimum Investment of $10,000
  • Targeting capital preservation through lower-risk fixed income investments


*The yield target indicated for the fund is provided as an indicator based on the portfolio composition and does not guarantee actual yield.

Equity Trustees Limited (“Equity Trustees”) (ABN 46 004 031 298), AFSL 240975, is the Responsible Entity for the FIIG Monthly Income Fund (“the Fund”). Equity Trustees is a subsidiary of EQT Holdings Limited (ABN 22 607 797 615), a publicly listed company on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: EQT).