FIIG - The Fixed Income Experts

Get to know FIIG

We’re guided in everything we do by our clear and single minded purpose: Creating access to fixed income investments you can trust. Concentrating on just fixed income allows us to provide the very best information and service to you and your clients.

Who we are

We are privately owned and not owned by any financial institution. This enables us to provide an extensive and unrestricted range of fixed income investments.


different bonds available directly with FIIG

Australian investors6,000

Australian investors



Sydney, Melbourne,
Brisbane, Perth



when FIIG was established

Corporate bonds held with FIIG$4.5bn

of funds under advice 


Point 1Direct access to bonds and deposits

  • Corporate bonds
  • Fixed, floating and inflation linked bonds
  • International bonds
  • Term deposits, at-call deposits, bank bills and negotiable certificates of deposit

Point 2Investment

  • Specialist Not For Profit sales team
  • Managed Income Portfolio Service
  • Portfolio construction service

Point 3Research, education & insights

  • Weekly insights from The WIRE
  • Seminars, webinars and educational publications
  • Whitepapers

Point 4Investor tools and reporting

FIIG’s online client portal provides access to:

  • View your current portfolio holdings
  • Current indicative bond pricing
  • Your monthly reports and statements

Company history

Founded in 1998, FIIG has been at the forefront of helping Australians secure their financial future by providing direct access to the fixed income market. We have pioneered many market developments and continue to balance innovation with caution to bring maximum benefits to our clients. Over the years we have developed a broad client base that includes individuals, trusts, SMSFs, local authorities, governments, not for profit organisations, small and large companies, and institutions.

Through our market leading research and education initiatives we empower investors with knowledge and insights into the fixed income asset class.  To our clients, we are their trusted partner, leading them to intelligent fixed income investments and assisting them to achieve a balanced portfolio with steady, reliable returns. 

With over 100 staff in our Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth offices, we are able to provide expert personalised support to clients across Australia.  We are not owned by any financial institution so our product range is limited only by our clients’ requirements.

We have billions of dollars under investment and have originated over $2.5bn in unrated bonds for over 55 issuers.


For more information on Corporate Bonds 

The benefits of bonds ebook

Get a free copy of the Benefits of Bonds eBook

Get the eBook

Talk to an expert

Mark Connors - State Manager Bianca Burt - Director-STMM ADI & Client Relationships Brad Sheehan - Director Corporate and Institutional Marcus Blake - Director - Distribution, Managed Portfolios Darryl Bruce - State Manager - WA

Phone Call us on 1800 01 01 82

...with offices based in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth