FIIG - The Fixed Income Experts

Corporate Bonds through FIIG’s DirectBonds Service

Superior returns with Corporate Bonds

  • Better returns than cash (earn anywhere from 4-6% or higher depending on your portfolio).
  • Build a diverse portfolio from a selection of over 400 Corporate Bonds from well-known names such as Qantas and Commonwealth Bank through to smaller companies such as G8 Education and StockCo.
  • Trade bonds in $10,000 parcel sizes. Minimum total investment of $250,000.

Want to learn more? Have FIIG’s Adviser Services team contact you.

Bond Portfolios

5.73% p.a.^

Conservative Portfolio

This portfolio has 10 securities with weightings between 9.05% and 11.26%, yielding 5.73% pa. It is designed for investors wanting a 100% allocation of investment grade bonds. The returns shown are based on ~$490,000 investment. $50,000 is the minimum amount that can be invested with FIIG.

6.23% p.a.^

Balanced Portfolio

This portfolio has 16 securities with weightings between 2.83% and 10.68%, yielding 6.23% pa. It is designed for investors wanting a balanced allocation of investment grade and sub investment grade bonds. The returns shown are based on a ~$610,000 investment. $50,000 is the minimum amount that can be invested with FIIG.

7.05% p.a.^

High Yield

This portfolio has 17 securities with weightings between 3.76% and 10.36%, yielding 7.05% pa. It is designed for investors seeking a higher return and who are comfortable with a corresponding increase in credit risk. The returns shown are based on a ~$470,000 investment. $50,000 is the minimum amount that can be invested with FIIG.

^Pricing as at 6 March 2025. Subject to change.

Earn a better return

Australian bonds have proven to deliver better returns than cash or international shares over the last 20 years. If you’re looking for strong returns, bonds are a great way to achieve your aims.

Corporate Bonds generally pay a higher income return than cash and term deposits.

Source: Gross returns for 20 years to 30 June 2020. Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd

Choice, control and a seamless experience with FIIG

  • Clients can directly access a broad range of Corporate Bonds and maintain control of their portfolio as they remain the legal owner of their investment.
  • We are Australia’s largest fixed income specialist, servicing over 2,000 advisers across Australia.
  • We provide specialist products and expert service with dedicated Relationship Managers appointed to support advisers to meet their clients’ needs.
  • We only deal with advisers and do not contact advised clients directly.
  • We integrate into your practice to provide a seamless experience through regular data feeds, platform integration, electronic onboarding and web access for you and your clients.

Research and Education

Access Australia’s most comprehensive fixed income research and education. Become a fixed income expert to your clients with our comprehensive range of educational resources which are suitable for your client meetings, practice development and your own personal CPD program. With FIIG’s experienced and respected market leading fixed income research team, you and your clients can develop a deep understanding of fixed income investments via our:

  • Seminars, webinars and other educational events
  • Market commentary, analysis and insights via The WIRE
  • Issue specific research and summaries
  • Sample bond portfolios

Want to learn more? Have FIIG’s Adviser Services team contact you.