Ekaterina Skulskaya | Nov 05, 2013
FIIG Custodial Services is based in Brisbane and is responsible for servicing all Fixed Income Sales offices across Australia. Key functions covered by Custodial Services include: cash management and reconciliations, settlements, corporate actions and entitlements, client reporting and custody.
In the past, FIIG has only sent reports to clients who had a fixed income custody account number. These clients may or may not have also held short term money market securities. If they did, FIIG included their short term money market securities on the report. By only using the custody account number in reporting, FIIG excluded all clients who did not have a custody account number, for example all clients who only held short term money market securities.
The FIIG Monthly Investment Statement for the month ending 31 October 2013 is scheduled to be sent to clients by close of business 6 November 2013. The statement will include the same information as before:
- Fixed Income Holding Valuation as at 31 October 2013
- Fixed Income Transactions 1 October 2013 – 31 October 2013
- Fixed Income Investment Income 1 October 2013 – 31 October 2013
- Security Ratings as at 31 October 2013 (for Wholesale Clients only) STMM Transactions 1 October 2013 – 31 October 2013.
The latest Monthly Investment Statement will have a different account number going forward called “investment account number” instead of the previously used custody account number. Clients should note that regardless of whether or not they are custody clients they are allocated an investment account number when they are setup in the FIIG internal system. By using this number instead of the custody account number, FIIG can now generate reports for all clients. At this stage the account number the clients’ see on their contract notes and coupon advices will be different to the account number they see on their report. The investment account number should supersede the custody account number by mid December.
After the 6 November 2013, the aforementioned statements are scheduled to be uploaded onto each client’s My Portfolio page on the FIIG website.. Clients can also access current bond prices via log in to My Portfolio and selecting the bond prices tab. Latest Research updates and WIRE articles are available via the News and Research section on the FIIG website