FIIG - The Fixed Income Experts

FIIG News and Research

Research on new inflation indexed annuity bonds

by Gavin Madson | Dec 05, 2012

We have had a lot of interest in recent weeks from clients on what is available in inflation indexed annuity bonds. FIIG have recently added two new issuers of these bonds to our DirectBond list, Civic Nexus and JEM (CCV), and we have added new research to support these issues.

Civic Nexus Finance Pty Ltd is the financing vehicle for the Melbourne’s Southern Cross Station public-private partnership and has an inflation indexed annuity bond maturing in 2032.

JEM (CCV) Pty Ltd is the financing vehicle for the County Court of Victoria public-private partnership and has an inflation indexed annuity bond maturing in 2022.

We have recently covered how inflation indexed annuity bonds work (please click here) and we see value in these bonds for investors looking to lock in higher incomes from cashflows which include a return of capital over the life of the bond.

Research on Civic Nexus Finance Pty Ltd is available here (retail) and here (wholesale).

Research on JEM (CCV) Pty Ltd is available here (retail) and here (wholesale).

Contact your FIIG Representative or call your nearest FIIG office on 1800 01 01 81 if you would like to discuss what is available in IIA bonds including cashflow forecasts.